State-by-State visualizes current and historical economic data and analytics about the United States. Based on the Economic Health Index, State-by-State includes the latest state unemployment numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (updated monthly), as well as state data on housing, healthcare, energy production, demographics, and more. General election polling data from RealClearPolitics will also be included through the 2012 Presidential election.
State-by-State allows users to rank any set of states across selected data sets and view trends over time. The tool provides historical data going back to 2000. Learn more about State-by-State features.
Last updated: 8/1/12
Next expected update: 9/1/12
Have a question about the data? Or a suggestion about another data set to add? We want to hear from you! Send us your feedback.
Bloomberg Visual Data
Click a state bar to see the time series for that data since 2000. Hover over other bars to compare states over time.
Click the ‘Sort’ button on any row to order the state bars by descending rank. This will sort all other rows based on the new order.
Use the menu at the bottom of the page to add data on a variety of topics including housing, health care, jobs, and banking.